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We provide one simple solution to harmonize all EMR/EMF side effects to meet the modern demands in the latest technology.
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memon lecture will change the way we think in protecting our lives
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Find the balanced life
We cannot take away or eliminate the negative environmental influences as we desire but we can ensure the natural conditions exist and maintained. The giant blanket of pollution created from electro-smog, side effects of 5G radiation, fine particulate matter (PM), and polluted water throw us off balance and will affect a long-term health issues. Stress from daily lives and negative habits are equally affected our health. This includes animals and plantations. These possible consequences are sleep disorders, headaches, constant inner tension, allergies that can be very annoyed or possibly very dangerous, weakened immune system, psychological and psychosomatic symptoms, and many more.
The memon technology developed over decades of research and its devices can address the effects of negative environmental influences such as electro-smog, and fine particulate matter (PM). With memon, we discover true inner balance, environmental peace, clarity, and strength.
How does "noise cancelling" work?
The memon technology works in a similar way to noise cancelling in a flightdeck. To neutralize the sound, a counter sound (a source of counter information) is generated which corresponds to the disruptive sound. With memon, all the harmful information waves are naturalized through the electrical circuit, but the technical waves remain unchanged, and all the technology can continue to be utilized without restrictions.
Hand and hand with nature to counteract harmful environmental influences. Memon has set itself the goal of enabling people to live free from negative environmental impact and in complete harmony with nature without having to forego the comforts of modern technology. Therefore, the company slogan thereby follows nature’s best. “Renature Your Life”.